Montag, 19. Oktober 2020

Viscotec eco duo 450

The innovative eco -CONTROL EC200- DUO, made by ViscoTec offers a wide range of applications for 2-component-precision-volume-dispensers. Für präzises Mischen und.

Kontrollierter Fadenabriss dank Rückzugseffekt und weitere Funktionen zeichnen die preeflow-Geräte der Baureihe eco - DUO aus. DUO preeflow eco - DUO 4is a two- component precision. Sehen Sie die Brochüre eco - DUO 4des Herstellers preeflow by ViscoTec Pumpen- u.

Schuss abhängig vom Mischrohr. Das neue steuergerät eco-cONTrOL ec200-DuO, made by ViscoTec bietet für den Präzisionsvolumendosierer ecoDuO 4viele einsatzmöglichkeiten im 2- komponentigen Anwendungsbereich.

Dosiertechnik GmbH auf DirectIndustry. Das steuersystem eco- cONTrOL ec2DuO ist für genauestes Arbeiten mit dem 2K-Dispenser eco - DuO 4. Conveyance action by medium displacement in the stator through controlled rotor movement. Safe conveyance without any modification of the medium. L ec200-duo, made by Viscotec offers a wide range of applications for the 2-K-preci- sion-volume-dispenser eco - duo 450.

L ec 200-duo has been developed and tested for accurate work with the 2-K-precision- volume-dispenser eco - duo 450.

The control unit eco-CONTROL EC200-DUO has been developed and tested for accurate work with the 2-K- precision. The new and innovative eco-CONTROL EC200-DUO, made by ViscoTec offers a wide range of applications for the 2-K-precision-volume- dispenser eco - DUO 450. Due to the high market acceptance of the 1-K-precision-volume-dispenser the ViscoTec pump and dosing technology GmbH has developed the new eco - DUO 4, which will cover the 2-K dispensing sector.

Like all dosing systems of the manufacturer the new precision-volume-mixing-head is also working. Mínima cantidad de dosificación: 0. The preeflow eco-DUO 33 preeflow eco - DUO 4and eco-DUO 6are two-component precision volumetric, positive. Peso aproximado: 1g. Maskings und Conformal Coatings sprühen.

Die Technologie ermöglicht perfektes Sprühen von niedrig- bis hochviskosen UV-Klebstoffen mit. The ECO-DUO4is a 2-component constant-flow volumetric discharging device, newly developed by ViscoTec.

It is suitable for discharging a very small quantity of liquid of low to medium viscosity, covering a wide range of applications. Two components mixed: Minimum discharge. A basic suction pressure can be applied (for high-viscosity media).

The pressure tank is not required with self levelling fluids. Accuracy of dosing ± %. Four models (30 4, 60 700) of the eco -PEN are available, all of which offer adjustable-rate dispensing.

To complement the preeflow eco - PEN, ViscoTec has introduced the eco - DUO system for two-part formulations, and the eco -SPRAY system for low- to high-viscosity fluids.

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